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Media Blasting Services

We commonly use media blasting in restoration projects to clean and rejuvenate surfaces without causing damage. We can effectively remove years of grime, corrosion, or coatings from historical or vintage items.

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Restore Using Media Blasting

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Media blasting can cover large areas quickly and remove coatings or contaminants effectively, saving time and labor costs.

DEK uses media blasting on a wide range of materials, including metal, wood, concrete, and more. The type of abrasive media chosen can be customized to the surface's specific requirements. We ensure precise control over the intensity of the abrasive impact, providing consistent results across the entire surface. We can selectively remove coatings or contaminants without damaging the underlying substrate. Media blasting can create specific surface profiles, which enhances adhesion in coating applications. Different types of abrasive media and blasting techniques can be used to achieve the desired texture or roughness. Unlike chemical stripping methods, media blasting does not leave chemical residues on the treated surface. Additionally, some abrasive media used in media blasting are environmentally friendly, such as biodegradable materials or recyclable abrasives.

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More About Media Blasting

What’s Media Blasting?

Media blasting is a method where abrasive materials like aluminum oxide, corn cobs, or walnut shells are propelled onto surfaces at high speed using compressed air or pressurized water. The choice of abrasive depends on the task and surface material. It's commonly used for removing paint, rust, or contaminants from surfaces like metal, concrete, or wood. The process involves preparing the work area, setting up specialized equipment like a blasting cabinet and air compressor, applying the abrasive to the surface, and inspecting the results. Safety precautions, including protective gear and containment measures, are important. Media blasting is used in various industries, from automotive and construction to industrial maintenance and restoration.

Advantages of Media Blasting

  • Removes rust and corrosion
  • Cleans surfaces effectively
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Versatile for various materials
  • Prepares surfaces for coatings
  • Precision in detail work
  • No chemicals or solvents needed
  • Cost-effective for large projects
  • Minimal waste generation
  • Safer than traditional methods

Design Considerations for Media Blasting

  • Choose the right abrasive material based on the surface and desired finish.
  • Select suitable blasting equipment and maintain it properly.
  • Provide protective gear and implement safety protocols.
  • Ensure efficient systems to control dust and fumes.
  • Evaluate surface conditions for effective blasting.
  • Dispose of used abrasive material responsibly, complying with regulations.
  • Monitor and maintain the quality of blasted surfaces.
  • Evaluate overall costs, considering long-term savings.
  • Stay informed and comply with relevant regulations.
  • Develop a plan for proper disposal or recycling of waste.


Media Blasting FAQ

Yes, media blasting can be done on plastic using appropriate abrasive media like crushed glass, plastic beads, or walnut shells to avoid damaging the plastic surface.
Media blasting and sandblasting are often used interchangeably, but sandblasting specifically refers to using sand as the abrasive media. Media blasting encompasses a broader range of abrasive materials.
Yes, media blasting is effective in removing rust. Common abrasive materials like aluminum oxide or garnet are often used to blast away rust and prepare surfaces for coating or painting.
Blasting media can be reused depending on the material and the degree of contamination. However, it's essential to regularly assess the media's condition and replace or recycle it as needed for optimal results.

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