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PET is a 100% recyclable plastic and a popular choice for packaging materials. It is a thermoplastic polymer that belongs to the polyester family with a chemical formula (C10H8O4)n. PET is known for its clarity, lightweightness, and strong resistance to moisture and oxygen.

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PET in CNC Machining,Injection Molding, Blow Molding and Extrusion

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PET stands for polyethylene terephthalate, a type of plastic commonly used in manufacturing beverage bottles, food packaging, and other consumer products.

It is generally considered a machinable plastic, but its machinability depends on factors such as the specific grade of PET and any additives it may contain. PET has a relatively low softening temperature compared to other plastics, so it may not require coolants. We do high-speed machining but always consider the material's thermal properties to prevent overheating. We also consider using light cuts to prevent chip buildup and ensure a better surface finish.

PET can be shiny or glossy, but machining may leave tool marks. Depending on the application, post-processing steps like polishing or coating may be required for a desired surface finish. One of the advantages of PET is its recyclability, which is labeled with the recycling code "1." Recycled PET, often referred to as rPET, is also used to produce various products, contributing to sustainability efforts by reducing plastic waste.

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Basic Knowledge of PET

What is PET?

PET is a 100% recyclable plastic and a popular choice for packaging materials. It is a thermoplastic polymer that belongs to the polyester family with a chemical formula (C10H8O4)n. PET is known for its clarity, lightweightness, and strong resistance to moisture and oxygen. It's a semi-crystalline material resistant to impact, moisture, alcohols, and solvents. It's commonly used in everyday items like packaging, fabrics, and films for automotive and electronics. Ongoing efforts aim to enhance its properties for better performance and cost-effectiveness in various applications.

Advantages of PET

  • Lightweight
  • Transparent
  • Recyclable
  • Versatile
  • Resistant to chemicals
  • Cost-effective
  • Strong and durable
  • Excellent barrier properties
  • Wide range of applications
  • Low environmental impact

Applications of PET

  • Beverage bottles
  • Food packaging
  • Cosmetic containers
  • Pharmaceutical packaging
  • Detergent bottles
  • Salad dressing containers
  • Peanut butter jars
  • Cooking oil bottles
  • Condiment bottles
  • Pill bottles
  • Fruit juice bottles
  • Salad containers
  • Water bottles
  • Frozen food packaging
  • Shampoo bottles
  • Mouthwash bottles
  • Sports drink bottles
  • Medicine blister packs
  • Cooking oil containers
  • Ketchup bottles


Machining PET Buying FAQ

PET bottles can be recycled multiple times, but each cycle may reduce the material's quality. The actual number varies. Proper recycling practices help minimize environmental impact and support sustainability.
PET plastic has a relatively low melting point compared to some other plastics. While it may withstand brief exposure to hot liquids, boiling PET plastic is not recommended. High temperatures can lead to deformation, loss of structural integrity, and potentially release harmful substances.
PET plastic is generally considered safe for microwave use under specific conditions. However, not all PET products are suitable for microwave use, and it's important to check the packaging or label for specific instructions from the manufacturer. Some PET containers may warp or release substances when exposed to high temperatures in the microwave.
Yes, PET plastic is washable and commonly used for containers that require cleaning, such as water bottles and food storage containers. It is resistant to water and most household cleaning agents.

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